Escaping Stuck Patterns and Downward Spirals

Welcome to "The VIP Positive Mindset Training Program." Get ready to break free from stuck patterns, spirals, and embrace freedom, abundance, and positivity!

In Workout 2, we explored how thoughts kickstart neuropathways, paving the way for your future awesome self with dreams and goals.

Now, let's sweat it out mentally in today’s episode overview, Leadership Development Strategies to Escape Stuck Patterns and Downward Spirals. Here are the highlights:

  • Exploring the Dynamics of Upward and Downward Spirals: Navigate the mechanisms behind these spirals and learn effective strategies for transitioning between them.

  • Breaking Free from Negative Feedback Loops: Identify the patterns that trap us and discover actionable steps to interrupt and prevent detrimental feedback loops.

  • Cultivating Thriving Thought-Feeling Loops: Gain insights into the process of entering and maintaining positive thought-feeling loops that contribute to lasting transformation.

  • The Power of Brain Rewiring: Transformation unfolds as you reshape your brain's pathways, with language serving as the crucial tool in this rewiring process.

  • Elevate Your Mental Software: Embrace the mindset of your future awesome self to upgrade your brain's software, paving the way for positive changes in thoughts, behaviors, and experiences.

Ever been in a downward spiral? Frustrated by limiting thoughts, mistakes, unmet expectations, or life's curveballs? It's like trying to catch water with a sieve—everything slipping away.

Limiting thoughts, beliefs, or identities like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm stressed" activate a downward spiral. The loop of doom gains momentum with negative thoughts, creating an automatic, unconscious response.

Replace "I'm stressed" with "I'm confident," and witness the shift. Confidence triggers an upward spiral, leading to motivation, solutions, and learning. Language is the secret sauce for rewiring your brain.

Now, let's understand the mechanics of upward spirals and thriving thought-feeling loops. Life-enhancing beliefs like "I am successful" fuel positivity, creativity, and elevated states—living your best life!

Focus on the Thriving loop. For instance, think "I'm confident," activating confident feelings and physical sensations. This generates more confident thoughts, creating an upward spiral. Neuropathways for confidence strengthen, positively influencing your experiences.

Transformation happens when you rewire your brain, and language is the key!

Simon, a client drowning in negativity, transformed in three months. Focusing on positive thoughts upleveled his career, fatherhood, and life. Simon shares, “By working with Adelaide, it opened my eyes to who and how I want to be. I am happy, compassionate, and confident in my dad power.”

This episode’s exercise is transformational bomb!

Upgrade your brain's software by adopting your future awesome self's mindset. Dive deep, see the world through their eyes, and adopt their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, beliefs, habits, and identities. I include this game-changing strategy inside the episode ;)

Want access to The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program? Click here:

Tapping into the Incredible Power of Language for Leadership Development

In Episode 2 of The VIP Positive Mindset Training Program, Tapping into the Incredible Power of Language for Leadership Development, you will dive even deeper into the fascinating realm of self-talk and the incredible impact your words have on shaping your reality.

Before you plunge into this self-talk adventure, let's recap the highlights of our first workout:

  • Your brain is adaptable, evolving based on how you use it.

  • Purposeful brain training accelerates this adaptability.

  • Your words construct neural pathways, influencing outcomes.

  • Beliefs and identities act as guides, shaping your personality and reality.

  • Unconscious programs might be holding you back—brain training sets you free.

  • Installing the right neurological patterns helps you become your desired self.

Now, let's get into Episode 2 and immerse yourself in the transformative power of words:

Your words hold the key to unlocking the door to your goals and dreams or confining you to a cycle of dissatisfaction. They can propel you forward or trap you in limiting patterns.

Every thought activates a neural journey, facing a choice at synapses: a path to your best life or one to stagnation. This journey influences your emotions, creating either pain or fostering love for life.

Consider this: repeated use of the pain pathway reinforces it, making it your default. Conversely, embracing a pathway leading to 'comfort' or 'in love with life' feelings prompts your brain to make this journey your default.

Your brain organizes itself based on neuropathways you use the most. Thoughts become automatic, and certain neuropathways can turn into identities.

Your self-talk shapes your reality by intricately linking with your feelings and emotions. Shifting from limiting narratives to empowering language is crucial. Sentences involving 'I don't want...' inadvertently activate the undesired response.

Your brain cannot directly process a negative want without first understanding the instruction. Shifting from 'I don't want...' to empowering language is crucial. Your brain strengthens through purposeful exercises, shaping your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and responses.

Just like a fitness journey, deliberate training shapes your brain, bringing your desired future self into reality. Your brain is a roadmap, and you're the cartographer. To navigate toward your aspirations, adopt the language of champions.

Now, let me share a research study to illustrate the power of language:

Let's delve into a mind-blowing experiment involving 200 golfers. Those armed with confidence instructions aced the putting challenge, showcasing the power of language in shaping outcomes.

Your language isn't a sidekick—it's the superhero cape that propels you to victory or weighs you down. It could be the secret sauce to unlocking your superpowers.

This episode’s brain training exercise teaches you how to transform your self-talk.

Remember, your language can be the magic potion for unlocking your superpowers. I'm here to guide you through this extraordinary transformation.

Get access to The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program here:

Uncovering the Reasons Why Your Leadership Journey Remains Stagnant

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The VIP Positive Mindset Training Program!

I'm Adelaide Goodeve, your adventure-fueled transformation coach, and I'm beyond excited to kick off this transformative journey with you.

Brain Workout Kickoff:

Are you ready to flex that brain muscle with me?

We won't be breaking a sweat, unless, of course, you're multitasking with a workout – in that case, kudos!

But get ready for a brain workout that will reshape your mind and help you live your absolute best life.

The Adventure Mindset:

Why call this podcast series an adventure? Because life, for me, is one big adventure, and I want you to experience it that way too! Adventure is about the unknown, discomfort, courage, excitement, and creating memorable experiences. It’s a mindset as much as it is an action.

Personal Transformation Story:

A decade ago, doctors told me I'd be bedridden with chronic fatigue for life. Fast forward to today, and I'm living a life wilder than my wildest dreams. The pivotal moment? Taking a chance on brain training, transforming in just three days. Discover my story here.

Power of Language:

Your words shape your thoughts, feelings, experiences, personality, and reality. The number one thing keeping you stuck? The words you use. Learn how to interrupt negative patterns and activate life-enhancing neuropathways.

Unique Brain Training Techniques:

Your brain is plastic, meaning it changes based on how you use it. Train your brain to fast-track neuroplasticity – its incredible capacity to reconstruct itself. Brace yourself for mind-blowing, seismic transformations happening in mere seconds, minutes, or hours.

Client Success Story:

Discover the story of a client who, like many, adjusted to a perceived limitation and never jumped to their full potential again. Beliefs create our reality, and once you shatter restrictive beliefs, you unleash the freedom to soar to any destination. Read more client success stories here.

Training Your Brain:

Explore the various terms—rewiring, reprogramming, mindset, self-talk mastery, controlling the controllables, mindfulness, law of attraction, manifesting, and more. They all sing the same tune – exercising life-enhancing neuropathways for a vibrant roadmap to your desired future.

Exercise for Conscious Awareness:

Uncover unconscious programs by being a detective. I explain how to do this inside the podcast.

Want to elevate yourself as a leader? Unleash your success through my exclusive insights and transformative training, Get access here.

Introducing The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program

Welcome to The VIP Positive Mindset Training Program Podcast, where high-achieving leaders like you embark on a journey of swift and enjoyable transformation!

This podcast dispels the myth that positive change requires years of struggle and a hefty price tag. Here are the episode highlights:

  • The VIP Podcast Unveiled: Join us in exploring leadership insights and positive mindset wisdom, the secret sauce for those acing the leadership game.

  • Unlocking the Power of Language: Discover the keys to life-altering transformation through the mastery of language and brain training.

  • Effortlessly Elevate Your Leadership: Learn how to enhance your leadership in every word, thought, and moment with our practical insights.

  • Quick Transformation: If you've ever felt stuck, get ready for a treat! With a decade of mindset mastery, I conquered Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in just 3 days through brain training.

  • Rapid Brain Training Episodes: Peel back layers of unconscious limiting programs with 5 short brain training episodes—ideal for 5 days, commutes, lunch breaks, warm-ups, or short walks.

  • Daily 15-20 Minute Workouts: Each episode includes a daily exercise to amp up your brain training and transformation.

  • Stress-Free Leadership Coaching: No screen time pressure, no live training stress—just pure value wherever you are, whatever you're doing.

  • Consistency is Key: Aim for a workout every day or every other day, and witness breakthroughs and life-enhancing self-talk.

  • Express Lane to Success: Don't underestimate this training—it's your express lane to success.

Want to Hit Play on Workout 1: "Decoding Stuckness: Why You're Yet to Break Free"?

Get access to the free VIP VIP Positive Mindset Training Program here:

Can't wait to see you in the program! This is your opportunity for transformative power in just 5 days.

Embrace the journey, show up, think differently, and blast through what's been holding you back.

Disclaimer: Before you dive in, a quick heads-up—I am not a medical professional. The experiences shared here are personal and from my clients. Always consult your doctor for personalized advice.

Unlocking Leadership Excellence: Confronting the Hidden Hazards of Negative Self-Talk

Being a leader is demanding - negative self-talk is an uninvited companion that many leaders contend with. Much like athletes facing performance challenges, leaders too grapple with the toxic effects of self-doubt and criticism. 

This blog sheds light on the surprising and often unnoticed impacts of negative self-talk on leaders, emphasizing the need for awareness and proactive strategies in the realm of leadership development.

Understanding Negative Self-Talk:

Negative self-talk can be pervasive and encompasses thoughts that fail to enhance life or performance. From an inner critic questioning one's capabilities, to a persistent voice highlighting fatigue or post-event disappointment. 

While occasional negative thoughts are normal, a continuous negative mindset triggers a mind-body connection, manifesting in real and impactful ways.

The Surprising Effects of Negative Self-Talk on Leaders:

Limited Thinking/Fixed Mindset:

  • Persistent self-doubt reinforces limiting beliefs, creating a fixed mindset.

  • Leaders may believe they can't achieve certain goals, turning these thoughts into their reality.


  • When striving for perfection, leaders experience heightened stress, anxiety, guilt, and doubt.

  • Shifting focus from perfection to excellence promotes mental and physical well-being.

Down Feelings:

  • Negative self-talk exacerbates feelings of sadness and inadequacy.

  • Unchecked, it can adversely impact both leadership performance and mental health.

Relationship Challenges:

  • Constant self-criticism affects leaders' interactions, leading to challenges in professional and personal relationships.

  • Seeking external support is important in overcoming these challenges.

Zero Energy:

  • Non-life enhancing self-talk drains energy levels and weakens motivation.

  • Breaking the cycle of negative feedback is crucial for preventing serious health issues.

Feel it in Your Gut:

  • The brain-gut connection is affected by negative self-talk, leading to digestive issues.

  • Addressing self-talk patterns can alleviate symptoms and promote gut health.

Trouble Focusing:

  • Negative thoughts distract leaders from their goals, hindering concentration.

  • Overcoming self-critical language is key to maintaining focus and processing information effectively.

Not Sleeping Well:

  • Insomnia or poor sleep quality may result from negative self-talk during the day.

  • Recognizing and altering thought patterns can positively impact both sleep and mood.

Unexplainable Aches and Pains:

  • Persistent self-criticism can contribute to physical discomfort.

  • Leaders experiencing unexplained pain should explore the connection with negative self-talk.

Body Image:

  • Negative self-talk about appearance affects eating habits and body image.

  • Seeking expert advice is crucial to address potential mental and physical health conditions.

Performance-Related Issues:

  • Negative self-talk limits leadership performance, influencing actions and outcomes.

  • Leaders are encouraged to cultivate performance-enhancing thoughts for optimal results.

Minimizing Negative Self-Talk: Practical Strategies for Leaders

Add in Do, Doing, Did or Does:

  • Acknowledge and actively change unhelpful self-talk by incorporating active language e.g. transform ’I am feeling [insert feeling here e.g. tired/pain/crushing headache]’ into ‘I’m DOING [insert feeling here e.g. tired/pain/crushing headache]’

  • Shift from passive reception to active creation of thoughts, empowering leaders to choose positive feelings.

[The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program unlocks the power of language and helps you master the art of brain training—it’s the start of a life-altering journey. Sign up here]

Swap Negative for Positive Language:

  • Transform negative inner dialogue into positive, powerful affirmations.

  • Focus on specific, constructive thoughts to activate performance-enhancing neural pathways.

  • Examples of positive, powerful, productive language:

    • I feel energised 

    • I feel light

    • I am calm and relaxed

    • I am feeling a wonderful calm energy flow through me

    • I feel comfortable

    • I am doing really great

    • I am getting better and better

    • I am getting healthier and healthier

    • I have an amazing clear head

  • FYI ‘I don’t want to feel tired’ doesn’t count, say your brain doesn’t hear the not and still activates the experience of tiredness


  • Cultivate awareness of negative self-talk instances - can you notice a pattern that you can transform?

  • Notice when self-talk mirrors language one wouldn't use with a friend or colleague.


  • Recognize the brain's role in 'editing' reality based on repeated thoughts.

  • Intentionally shift focus to positive, life-enhancing aspects to create a more constructive reality.

  • For example:

    • If you’re often repeating to yourself ‘I’m tired’, your brain is highlighting to you all the things that make you tired. Your brain will largely ignore all of the things that make you feel energised. Your reality therefore becomes one filled with tiredness. Change your thoughts, change your reality.

Hit Pause:

  • Employ strategies like saying 'stop' or 'pause' compassionately when you notice an unhelpful thought 

  • Interrupt negative thoughts to redirect focus to something positive and prevent their impact on leadership and well-being.


Leaders must recognize and address the silent adversary of negative self-talk to foster a thriving leadership mindset and career. By implementing proactive strategies and adopting a positive mindset, leaders can unlock their true potential and achieve remarkable results.

Want to unlock your full potential and live a life you love? Join The Expansive Mastermind for a 12-Month Coaching Adventure to Unleash BIG Breakthroughs - find out more and apply here.

Leadership Mastery: Techniques to Overcome Performance Anxiety and Achieve Optimal Results

Performance anxiety is a shared experience among athletes, akin to the challenges faced by leaders striving for excellence. 

Unmanaged anxiety can not only hinder performance but also impact mental and physical well-being, limiting one's ability to reach their full potential. 

In the realm of leadership, recognizing and addressing anxiety becomes crucial for sustained success. 

This blog explores 7 techniques inspired by athletic strategies to help leaders overcome anxiety and optimize their performance.

Understanding Leadership Anxiety:

Much like athletes experience different levels of anxiety before a competition, leaders may encounter stress in high-stakes situations. This anxiety can be viewed as either non-performance enhancing or performance enhancing, similar to the athlete's perspective. Here are 7 techniques for Influencing Leadership Anxiety State:

Technique #1 Active Language Integration:

  • Understand that anxiety is an unconscious action.

  • Use active language (Do, Doing, Did, Does) to recognize and take control of your feeling (e.g. I’m doing anxiety)

  • Transform negative thoughts into actionable statements, empowering yourself to choose how you want to feel e.g. instead of feeling passive in the situation ‘this meeting is making me do anxiety’ become action: ‘I’m doing anxiety around this meeting, what would I love to do instead and how can I achieve that?’

[The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program unlocks the power of language and helps you master the art of brain training—it’s the start of a life-altering journey. Sign up here]

Technique #2 Performance-Enhancing Language:

  • Embrace positive and productive self-talk to enhance leadership performance.

  • Your words create your reality: recognize the impact of words on thoughts, feelings, and experiences, they determine whether you win or lose

  • Replace negative phrases with powerful affirmations, fostering confidence and success.

Technique #3 Stop Unhelpful Thoughts:

  • Employ the thought-stopping technique to break unproductive thought patterns.

  • When you notice saying something unhelpful, pause and ask yourself if this thought is enhancing your performance/life; if not, use a firm and positive voice to say ‘stop.'

  • Redirect focus to thoughts that positively impact performance and your life

  • Keep repeating this process to train your brain in thinking in this new way

Technique #4 Dismantling Pressure:

  • Acknowledge that pressure is purely an internal experience created by thoughts, feelings and expectations.

  • Recognize that sporting events, meetings etc. hold no inherent pressure; it is self-created.

  • Focus on the present task, shifting from external pressures to internal performance goals. Examples:

    • A triathlete will switch from focusing on winning to swimming, cycling and running as fast as possible.

    • The CEO will switch from their yearly sales goal of 28 million NOK to creating the best adventures as possible for their customers.

Technique #5 Meditation for Leaders:

  • Incorporate meditation practices to reduce anxiety levels.

  • Utilize paid and free apps like Calm, Headspace, or Insight Timer for guided meditation.

  • Practice techniques such as Box Breathing to enhance focus and accelerate recovery.

Technique #6 Performance and Process-Based Goals:

  • Direct mental energy to elements within your influence.

  • Shift focus from external pressures to internal performance and process goals.

  • Emphasize actions that contribute to achieving performance goals.

Technique #7 Increase Self-Confidence:

  • Recognize the connection between self-confidence and reduced anxiety.

  • Create a mental cookie jar of past successes and achievements.

  • Pull out 'cookies' of evidence to boost confidence during challenging times.


Leadership mastery involves navigating challenges, much like athletes overcoming competition anxiety. By adapting techniques from the athletic arena, leaders can address anxiety, enhance performance, and achieve optimal results.

Incorporate these techniques into your leadership journey and witness the transformation of anxiety into a catalyst for success.

Need further help and support? The Expansive Mastermind could be a great fit for you, check it out and apply here.

Mastering Leadership: 5 Strategic Steps to Conquer 'I'm Not Good Enough

Leadership is a dynamic journey filled with challenges, and one formidable adversary that leaders often face is their inner demon whispering, 'I'm not good enough.' 

In this guide, we unveil five empowering steps to silence self-doubt and foster a mindset conducive to leadership excellence.

Step 1: Recognize and Transform

Acknowledge that the thought 'I'm not good enough' is an active process, something you're doing (no blame here, you’ve been doing it unconsciously and accidentally).

Transform it into 'I'm DOING doubt about myself,' opening the door to self-reflection. Pause and consider what positive actions you'd love to take instead.

[We go DEEP into this in The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program]

Step 2: Embrace Positive Language

Craft powerful, positive affirmations that replace self-doubt. Fuel your neuropathways with life-enhancing thoughts, e.g. ’I can do this,' 'I'm brilliant at……’ and 'I'm getting stronger every day.' 

Your language shapes your reality; choose words that empower your leadership narrative.

Step 3: Build a Positive Evidence Arsenal

Counter self-doubt by intentionally seeking and recognizing positive evidence. Your brain edits reality based on your unconscious directives. 

If 'I'm not good enough' lingers, consciously focus on past successes and achievements, cultivating a reservoir of positive evidence and instantly boosting your confidence.

Step 4: Challenge and Reframe

Challenge self-doubting thoughts by evaluating them against tangible accomplishments. 

Ask yourself, does this belief align with the positive evidence of my capabilities? 

Reframe your narrative based on the truth, boosting confidence and dispelling false notions.

Step 5: Intentional Reality Creation

Consciously shape your reality by intentionally steering your thoughts toward positivity. Shift from 'doing self-doubt' to 'doing super great.' 

Your brain quickly responds to intentional thoughts, creating a mindset where optimal performance and positivity becomes not just a goal, but a reality.

Real Life Example

Take my pro triathlete Krisitan, who told me ‘I am a slow swimmer’

Although he was flipping quick and placing top 5, his swim times always fell short of expectations.

This is because deep down he knew he was a slow swimmer so his beliefs, thoughts, feelings, decisions and experiences were all around him being a slow swimmer, creating his slow swimming reality. So as you can likely guess, he swam slower than his potential.

Once we replaced the identity with “I am a fast swimmer” (in one session btw), the next day he was first out of the water for the first time in his career.

Change can happen FAST, you’ve just got to start in the right place - and consistently implementing these steps will help you achieve swift change.

Leadership development involves more than strategic acumen; it requires a resilient mindset capable of overcoming internal challenges. 

By following these five steps, leaders can confront and conquer the pervasive 'I'm not good enough' demon, paving the way for enhanced performance, confidence, positivity and success. 

Take charge of your leadership narrative and watch as your journey unfolds with newfound mastery, strength and purpose.

Need extra support and help to create your desired transformation? Check out and apply to The Expansive Mastermind.

Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Join The Expansive Mastermind for a 12-Month Coaching Adventure


Ready for a transformative journey?

Our exclusive 12-month group coaching program, The Expansive Mastermind, is designed to propel your career, relationships, and passions to new heights. Led by renowned mindset coach Adelaide Goodeve, this mastermind offers a sanctuary for like-minded leaders seeking extraordinary growth.

Why Join?

Transformative Growth: Break free from fear, doubt, and negativity to live the life you've been yearning for.

Overcome Challenges: Designed for high performers facing pressures, achieve personal goals while excelling in your career or business, and finding balance with your passion and home life.

Exclusive Community: Connect with leaders on a similar journey, providing support and accountability.

Comprehensive Resources: Access my pre-recorded flagship program that’s helped over 100 individuals transform their lives. You receive detailed workbooks and monthly live calls for a convenient and impactful learning experience.

Brain Training: Unleash the power of purposeful brain training and mindset development for swift transformation.

Imagine If…

✨ You step into a version of yourself free from dissatisfaction, doubt, and negativity.

✨ Anxiety, stress, and procrastination become things of the past.

✨ Clarity, ease, freedom, love, success, and abundance flow effortlessly into your life.

✨ You achieve the dream work-family-passion balance.

✨ Your inner dialogue becomes a source of empowerment, guiding you to achieve your goals.

What's Included

High Vibing Community: Join a community of like-minded leaders committed to extraordinary achievements.

Comprehensive Resources: Access pre-recorded audio and video content, detailed workbooks, and monthly live calls.

Support and Accountability: Engage with our transformation coach Adelaide Goodeve, our guest experts, and the community that understands your journey, providing support and accountability.

Purposeful Brain Training: Master the art of brain training and mindset development for easier and more impactful transformation.

Perfect for You If You:

✔️ Are a leader seeking peace, fulfillment, and positivity in your life.
✔️ Want to stand confidently in your power and deepen your influence.
✔️ Crave growth to create more abundance and impact than ever before.
✔️ Pursue your passion and elevate your performance.
✔️ Desire to be a beacon of inspiration for yourself and others.
✔️ Seek a safe space to innovate, reflect, and overcome challenges with ease.
✔️ Want to raise your consciousness and cultivate inner peace.

Not the Best Fit If You:

  • Have an 'already know that' mentality.

  • Don't believe in positive change.

  • Aren't willing to take responsibility for your reality.

  • Seek a quick fix or someone to do the work for you.

  • Are unwilling to commit time, effort, and energy for transformation.

  • Prefer deeper 1-1 assistance or dislike self-study.

Are you ready for the coaching journey of a lifetime?

Join The Expansive Mastermind and embark on a transformative coaching adventure! Your journey to unparalleled leadership excellence starts here.

Elevate Your Leadership: Introducing The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program

Are you a leader yearning for a positive transformation in your mindset and leadership style?

Look no further than The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program—an exclusive free podcast series designed to empower high-achieving individuals like you — it’s a prerequisite for all my amazing clients.

It’s a goldmine of premium leadership development resources that I really should be charging for! Dismiss this training at your peril—it's your pathway to success:

Unleash the Power of Positivity

In the fast-paced world of leadership, maintaining a positive mindset is the key to navigating challenges and inspiring your team. The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program, crafted by renowned mindset coach Adelaide Goodeve, is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of a positive outlook.

What Sets The Free VIP Positive Mindset Training Program Apart?

  1. Tailored for High Achievers: This program is meticulously curated for leaders who strive for excellence. Adelaide Goodeve understands the unique challenges faced by high-achieving individuals and has crafted a program specifically to address those needs.

  2. Maximum Impact, Minimal Time: Bid farewell to the misconception that mindset transformation demands endless hours. The VIP program is designed for maximum impact in a short timeframe, allowing you to integrate powerful changes seamlessly into your leadership journey.

  3. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of Adelaide Goodeve, a transformation and brain coach with a track record of guiding leaders and athletes towards success. Your journey will be enriched by her insights, strategies, and personalized coaching approach. Read her story [here].

  4. VIP Podcast Access: Experience leadership coaching like never before—no screen time pressure, no stress about live training. Just pure VALUE wherever you are, whatever you're doing.

What To Expect:

  • Strategic Mindset Shifts: Learn to reframe challenges, overcome limiting beliefs, and foster a positive mindset that resonates in every aspect of your leadership.

  • Effective Leadership Strategies: Acquire tools and techniques to enhance your leadership skills, improve team dynamics, and drive organizational success.

  • Practical Application: The VIP program is not just about theory—it's about practical, actionable steps that you can implement immediately for tangible results.

How to Join:

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Click here to enroll in The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program. Secure your spot now, and get ready to elevate your leadership to new heights!

Your Leadership Transformation Awaits

The (free) VIP Positive Mindset Training Program is not just a course; it's an investment in your leadership journey. Don't miss this chance to cultivate a positive mindset that will set you apart as a leader.

Join Adelaide Goodeve on this transformative adventure—your team, and your future self, will thank you.

Unlock Your Leadership Potential: 6 Reasons Why Adelaide's Coaching Stands Out

Embark on a leadership journey that transcends the ordinary—discover 6 reasons why Adelaide's Leadership Coaching stands out as the optimal choice for transformative growth.

1. Adelaide’s Unique Background:

Adelaide defied the odds with the power of brain training. Overcoming severe chronic fatigue syndrome in just 3 days, she soon emerged as an endurance adventure athlete. Her personal triumph serves as a testament to the extraordinary effectiveness of her coaching approach.

Adelaide came 3rd place in her age group for iroman distance race

2. Adelaide’s Proven Method:

Adelaide's commitment to understanding the intricacies of the brain is unparalleled. Having invested countless hours and resources, she has curated a method that delivers maximum change with minimal effort. Trusted by hundreds, her coaching methods have become synonymous with life-altering transformation.

Since working with Adelaide, I’ve completely changed my relationship with food, with my body, and with my self-doubt. I’ve started running again. I’ve started eating healthy again. And it doesn’t feel like hard work - at all - cause all Adelaide’s done is help me mould my mind to help me achieve what I want to achieve.
— Segment testimonial from Synne, business owner

3. Adventure-Driven Growth

Adelaide believes that your leadership journey should be an exciting adventure, not a mundane task. Experience growth that goes beyond the ordinary and discover the thrill of evolving into the leader you aspire to be.

The biggest takeaway for me is that you really can implement big changes quickly. I’ve really enjoyed the support Adelaide has given me.

Adelaide has this great ability to bring you back on track and remind you it’s a learning process. It’s a journey. The progress is there.
— Squash Falconer, Keynote Speaker, Adventurer and World Record Holder

4. Fun-Fuelled Transformation

Why settle for a dull and tedious growth process? Adelaide's coaching approach injects joy and excitement into your leadership development. Because, after all, growth should be enjoyable and exhilarating.

It was pretty exciting because I never quite knew what I was going to experience in our coaching sessions and because I wanted to change so much, I was open to whatever that change would be.
— Testimonial segment from Esther Wheeler, Knowledge and Skills Leader, and Endurance Paddler

5. Seamless Leadership Coaching

Elevate your leadership effortlessly. Adelaide's coaching seamlessly integrates into your lifestyle, ensuring effectiveness with minimal disruption to your daily routine. Embrace a transformation that's as smooth as it is impactful.

By working with Adelaide, it opened my eyes to who and how I want to be. We road mapped out the best version of myself, which was a exciting process!

As a result, I know who I am and I am happy. I am much more compassionate towards my myself, I’m fully stepping into my dad power and I am a much more loving husband. I’m also confident that I can take my career to the next level.
— Simon, Account Manager, Father, Health and Fitness Expert

6. Brain Training Excellence

Adelaide specializes in purposeful brain training, unlocking the potential for lasting change. Experience the transformative impact of brain-centric coaching, setting the stage for sustained and profound growth.

At every race I reach a point where the physical fatigue is so high, that I question why I force myself through the pain and continue pushing.

It is at these critical moments, that it’s important to have your mental game plan ready.

Together with Adelaide Goodeve, I’ve tried an arsenal of mindset techniques. Some had small effect others moderate, a few however, made a really big gain. And those are the ones we continue to refine and improve.

If you do find yourself with a feeling of not being able to fulfill your potential, then get in touch with Adelaide.
— Allan Hovda, Pro Norwegian Triathlete and three times winner of the Zalaris Norseman Xtreme Triathlon

Ready to embark on a journey where enjoyment, simplicity, rapid progress, and transformative growth converge?

Join Adelaide for 1-1 or group leadership coaching and unlock your leadership potential! Apply here.

Transform Your Leadership Journey: 3 Impactful Ways to Elevate Yourself or Your Team

Are you a leader aspiring to become your best self and live a life you love? Or are you looking to ignite your team’s performance, innovation and wellbeing?Look no further! Here are three impactful ways we can embark on this transformative journey together:

1. 1-1 Leadership Coaching

Elevate your leadership by undergoing a transformative coaching journey to become the best version of yourself. We create a unique comprehensive strategy that turns your goals and dreams into reality.

Here’s one of my client’s experiences:

Adelaide helped me grab my goals with both hands, racing extreme endurance events and building my business.

Articulating my values, redefining goals and outcomes made 2022 one of my defining years.

I turned to Adelaide again this year when seeking assistance in determining a big scary goal for work and play as I turn 60. I pull on the skills I learned most days.
— Denise Wilson, Director and Endurance Adventure Athlete

2. The Expansive Mastermind

Join our exclusive 12-month group coaching experience to unlock big breakthroughs: excel your career (or business), relationships, and passions. Learn brain training secrets, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals with like-minded leaders.

Hear from one of my members:

My biggest takeaway was that you really can implement big changes quickly, it’s definitely not easy, it’s also not hard sometimes…

Adelaide has this great ability to bring you back on track and remind you it’s a journey. The progress is there.

I’ve really enjoyed the support Adelaide has given me, she’s very eloquent, intelligent and delivers complex things in really easy to understand ways.
— Squash Falconer, Keynote Speaker, Adventurer and World Record Holder

3. Team Development Coaching

Our tailored team performance coaching addresses your team’s unique challenges. From struggling with a high-pressure environment to negative mindsets. Let us help you optimise your team’s performance, innovation and overall wellbeing—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Here’s how we helped Norway’s leading adventure company:

We really enjoyed working with Adelaide, she helped us see things that seemed obvious when we finally understood our path for the future, but that we would probably have spent a long time figuring out ourselves.

Adelaide has a good way of letting others think and asking the right questions. She is very professional and at the same time friendly and easy to talk to.
— Marit Vidnes, CEO and Co-Founder of Norrøna Hvitserk

Are You Ready to Transform?

Whether it's 1-1 coaching, the mastermind, or team development, let's commence your journey to leadership excellence.

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A New Approach to 2024: Beyond Resolutions

As we bid farewell to 2023 and usher in a new year, many of us have embraced the tradition of setting resolutions for the upcoming 2024.

However, let's pause for a moment and consider whether this age-old practice is truly the most effective way to embark on our journey into the new year…

Here are five reasons why traditional resolutions may not be the best approach and, more importantly, what you can do instead to make 2024 a year of purposeful growth:

1. Lack of Effectiveness:

Resolution Pitfall: Setting vague resolutions often leads to a lack of clarity, hindering lasting change.

What to Do Instead: Be crystal clear on your goals and identify 1-3 key habits for immediate implementation. For example, instead of a generic fitness goal, aim for a specific body fat percentage and accompany it with daily habits like walking 8,000 steps, maintaining a food diary, and recording daily success evidence.

2. Fear of Failure:

Resolution Pitfall: The fear of not adhering to resolutions can be paralyzing, preventing you from even starting.

What to Do Instead: Develop a strategy to minimize or eliminate fear. For example, write down evidence that proves your capability and revisit it whenever doubt creeps in.

3. Fixed Mindset:

Resolution Pitfall: A fixed mindset hampers or stops progress by promoting repetitive actions and limiting belief systems.

What to Do Instead: Embrace a growth mindset. Regularly review and adjust your goals based on evolving circumstances and new opportunities.

4. Rigid Statements vs. Sustainable Habits:

Resolution Pitfall: Focusing on rigid resolutions may fall short in creating lasting, positive change.

What to Do Instead: Identify 1-3 long-term habits, practices, rituals, or routines that will enhance your life or performance.

5. Overcoming Past Unhelpful Evidence:

Resolution Pitfall: Societal pressure may have left you with evidence that resolutions don't work.

What to Do Instead: Shift this narrative by setting intentional goals and creating a clear roadmap to your best self. Identify powerful evidence to fuel your success.

6. Keeping things that aren’t working

Resolution Pitfall: New Year Resolutions are all about adding things into our lives and transforming what isn’t working or what we’re unhappy with.

What to Do Instead: Instead of thinking about what you want to change and bring into 2024, think about what you’d love to release, let go of and stop doing.

As we step into 2024, let's transcend the limitations of traditional resolutions. If you're keen on exploring this alternative approach further or need assistance in setting meaningful goals, consider this an invitation—I'm here to help you make 2024 a year of purposeful growth and transformation.

Here’s to your most transformational and successful year yet, Adelaide